
Grow your knowledge and build better with insights from our reports and guides.

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The Building Envelope: An Overlooked Element of Energy Efficient Homes

We have known that thermal bridging is a problem since the 1980s yet it is still common today. In this report, we go over a sample 2000 square foot home to determine how badly it is affected by thermal bridging.

By downloading this report, you will learn: 

  • What thermal bridging is and what causes it
  • The implications of thermal bridging
  • How to calculate how many linear square feet of exterior walls are affected by thermal bridging
  • How we recommend eliminating thermal bridging

Energy Efficiency Changes in the 2020 National Building Code

Earlier this year the 2020 National Building Code (NBC) was released with nearly 400 changes, including the introduction of
energy performance tiers. But it can be hard to understand the changes due to the length and complex nature of the NBC.

By downloading this guide, you will learn: 

  • What the energy efficiency tier system is
  • The difference between the performance and prescriptive compliance paths
  • What existing and new energy efficiency codes have been updated and added respectively
  • The implications and predicated growing pains of these changes

SIS Panels
Versus SIP
Walls: 5 Major Differences

A common misconception when it comes to our SIS (Structural Insulated Sheathing) Panels is that they are often mistaken to be SIP (Structural Insulated Panel) Walls…
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What’s Inside a SIS Panel?

As the world experiences more extreme weather events and temperatures, it is no surprise that energy efficient solutions are becoming an increasing priority. Experts like Amory Lovins, nicknamed the “Einstein of energy efficiency”, has been a…
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The One-Sided SIS EIFS Panel with DensElement® Barrier System

As Building Codes get more complex, the needs of builders are becoming more advanced as they…
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Blog Post Library

How To Build 1-Hour Fire-Rated Walls Faster & Easier

In the construction industry, time and cost are intertwined factors. Streamlining on-site processes not only enhances efficiency but also leads to significant cost savings. This guide will compare the installation of Fire-Rated SIS panels with...

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How Insulation Works & Its Relation to R-Values

How Insulation Works & Its Relation to R-Values

Insulation is one of the fundamental elements in keeping buildings comfortable, healthy, and efficient. You may associate insulation just with maintaining a building’s temperature, but it serves a much larger role in the building envelope....

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The SIS Spotlight Newsletter – July 26

The SIS Spotlight Newsletter – July 26

Having difficulty wrapping your head around the new building codes? You're not aloneEarlier this year, the 2020 National Building Code (NBC) was released with nearly 400 changes that the Canadian Commission on Building & Fire Codes (CCBFC) ...

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What’s Inside a SIS Panel?

What’s Inside a SIS Panel?

As the world experiences more extreme weather events and temperatures, it is no surprise that energy efficient solutions are becoming an increasing priority.Experts like Amory Lovins, nicknamed the “Einstein of energy efficiency”, has been a...

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SIS Panels in the Calgary Herald

SIS Panels in the Calgary Herald

Did you know we were featured in the Calgary Herald? Not a bad way to start the week! We talked a bit about our history, where our passion for better building systems comes from, and some of our exciting projects that are around the corner. You can...

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A Deep Dive on our SIS Puck Rainscreen System™️

A Deep Dive on our SIS Puck Rainscreen System™️

At SIS Panels™️, we pride ourselves on our ability to assist builders and designers on creating custom building solutions that push the building envelope and increase project efficiency. All our products reduce the one to three of the required...

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British Columbia’s Multi-Billion-Dollar Problem

British Columbia’s Multi-Billion-Dollar Problem

After buying a home, the last thing you want to hear is that the building envelope of your home has experienced a catastrophic failure and that you have a “leaky condo”. Unfortunately for thousands of homeowners in British Columbia (BC), this was...

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SIS Panels Versus SIP Walls: 5 Major Differences

SIS Panels Versus SIP Walls: 5 Major Differences

A common misconception when it comes to our SIS (Structural Insulated Sheathing) Panels is that they are often mistaken to be SIP (Structural Insulated Panel) Walls. While our exterior insulation sheathing panels may look similar to SIP Walls, and...

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250007 Mountain View Trail Calgary, Alberta T3Z 3S3

Unit #1, 9800 MacDonald Park Rd Sidney, BC V8L 5V5