The Writing is
on the Wall

For centuries, we’ve been focusing on the inside of our buildings – making them comfortable, safe, and functional.

But what if we started improving our buildings outside in rather than inside out?

It is up to manufacturers to provide solutions to help builders reach higher R-Values and more energy efficient features at a budget price point. 

meet our best sellers

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One-Sided OSB SIS Panel

Create a better building envelope without extra labour or material costs.

Product Code – SH2

One-Sided Plywood
SIS Panel

Enhance your building envelope with superior fire and moisture protection

Product Code – SH4

Magnesium Oxide (MgO) SIS Panel

Future-proof your building envelope by making it non-combustible and water/mold/bug resistant

Product Code – SH1



Shorter construction times reduce labor costs and accelerate completion dates


Superior construction


No costly overruns, as prices are guaranteed up front


Real price protections, timely delivery and meaningful warranty


Less waste in the factory and on the job site reduces material costs, cleanup costs, and environmental impact


Job site theft is minimized (it’s difficult to walk off with a full SIS Panel)


Quicker occupancy


Better quality control


Keep workers safer by limiting the amount of time on scaffolding and lifts

Amplifying Energy Efficiency Outside In

Not Inside Out


According to the Canadian Home Builders’ Association, a net-zero home is made up of three primary elements:

  1. The Mechanical Systems
  2. Renewable Energy Systems
  3. The Building Envelope

The housing industry has put of a lot of effort into advancing the first two elements but less so with the building envelope. If it is one of the three most important areas of a Net-Zero home, shouldn’t we be focusing on building a better building envelope?

SIS Panels’ Structural Insulated Sheathing Panels (SIS Panels) are high-quality continuous exterior insulation panels with the goal of eliminating as many steps in the exterior envelope as possible, by combining as many steps as possible into one.

SIS Panels are installed directly to wall frames by framers at the framing stage as a  high-performance low-cost solution for exterior walls that meet/exceed the North American Building Code requirements for energy and fire performance.

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We want to help you with your next home, commercial, residential, or multi-family project. Contact our office to get started.

By working together, we can build the homes of the future.

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SIS Panels Chicago


SIS Panels Canada

1008-246 Stewart Green SW Calgary, Alberta, T3C 3C8

Unit #1, 9800 MacDonald Park Rd Sidney, BC V8L 5V5