Studulate Insulated Studs

Solve Thermal Bridging Without Exterior Insulation or Extra Steps/Trades On Site.

Standard Specifications
  • Manufactured by laminating 2×4 and 2×6 studs (#2 SPF Lumber or better) to a variety of 2″ rigid insulations
  • Customizable with different insulations
  • Available in a variety of common lengths from 92-5/8″ to 16′
  • Contact us for insulated plates, headers, beams, and rim joists. 

Key Benefits

Seamlessly Integrate Into The Assembly

Studulate is designed to meet the dimensions of traditional studs to ensure that time-tested construction workflows & processes can remain unchanged.

Effortlessly Meet Modern Energy Codes

As codes evolve towards requiring insulated sheathing or exterior insulation, Studulate is ideal for the transitional energy codes between current standards and the approaching net-zero codes.

Customization & Sizes

We pride ourselves on being the one of the only manufacturers offers complete customization of our insulated sheathing and we are pleased to offer the same service for Studulate in all common sizes of studs.

Thermal Bridging Is A Bigger Issue Than You Think

Did you know most exterior walls have large portions that are uninsulated and leak heat at all times?

EPS Studulate

2×4 EPS Studulate: R-13

2×6 EPS Studulate: R-16

GPS Studulate

2×4 GPS Studulate: R-15

2×6 GPS Studulate: R-17

Polyiso Studulate

2×4 Polyiso Studulate: R-16

2×6 Polysio Studulate: R-19

Phenolic Studulate

2×4 Phenolic Studulate: R-20

2×6 Phenolic Studulate: R-22

Simply Swap Your Studs With Studulate To Start Building Energy Efficient

Solve Thermal Bridging Without Exterior Insulation

Traditionally, advanced framing techniques or exterior insulation were go-to solutions for reducing thermal bridging. Studulate is the sole Canadian-made solution designed to eliminate thermal bridging from within the building envelope.

While achieving net-zero stanadards requires additonal steps & materials, like our insulated sheathing, Studulate provides ample insulation to meet the evolving energy codes that will bridge the gap to net-zero ready standards.

Easy To Install & Easier To Build Energy Efficient

2×4 and 2×6 Studulate products precisely match the dimensions of traditional 2×6 and 2×8 dimensional lumber. This ensures no changes are needed in the majority of assemblies – cavity insulation sizes, window frames, etc, remain consistent while elevating your energy standards.

The below images of an example assembly demonstrates how Studulate products effortlessly fit into standard assemblies.

Custom Options Handcrafted For Your Projecty

We specialize in customization in our insulated sheathing and this extends to our insulated studs. 

Contact us for more information and pricing on custom solutions like insulated plates, headers, beams, and rim joists. 

Display wall finished
Display wall finished

The Construction Industry Needs To Focus On How To Get More Done On Site With Fewer Hands Available

“Give Me Six Hours To Chop Down A Tree and I Will Spend The First Four Sharpening The Axe”

– Abraham Lincoln

Crafted for Perfection

We use premium #2 Spruce, Pine, Fir (SPF) or better dimensional lumber and fuse it to a variety of 2″ rigid insulations – EPS, GPS, Polyiso, and Phenolic – offering R-Values from R-13 to R-22.

Studulate is manufactured in our climate-controlled facility that ensures the high quality control our insulated sheathing has become known for.

Our diverse insulations options give clients the ability to better meet local codes and standards. For example, a Studulate product that performs optimally in Climate Zone 5 may not reach the same requirements in Climate Zone 7.

Please contact us if you are interested in a custom Studulate product. For example, we offer several insulations with low embodied carbon.

Studulate FAQ

How Do You Fasten To Studulate?

Fastening to Studulate is as straightforward as fastening standard studs. Engineered fastening details will be available soon that specify 3-1/2″ nails.

How Does The Assembly Change When Using Studulate?

The assembly does not change, Studulate products are designed to match industry standard dimensions of studs so your assembly, batt insulation, and overall construction workflow can remain unchanged.

What Dimensions and Sizes does Studulate Come In?

2×4 and 2×6 Studulate products precisely match the dimensions of standard 2×6 and 2×8 studs. It’s important to note that while a 2×4 Studulate product may have the same size as a 2×6, its structural strength is determined by the raw dimensional lumber used in its manufacturing. Clearly stating the lumber dimensions ensures that users understand the product’s load-bearing capabilities. Mislabeling, such as designating a 2×4 Studulate product as a 2×6, could lead to catastrophic consequences if used under the assumption of higher structural strength.

Studulate comes in all the common lengths of studs:

  • 92-5/8″
  • 8′
  • 104-5/8″
  • 9′
  • 116-5/8″
  • 10′
  • 12′
  • 14′
  • 16′
Will Studulate Replace All Standard Studs?

Studulate seamlessly replace all standard studs. For more information, see our example assembly drawing or contact us

Is Exterior Insulation Still Required For Net-Zero Homes?

We are currently working in partnership with energy advisors on a report that discusses this question in detail, but it is clear from intial findings that exterior insulation is still a necessary component for net-zero construction. Studulate on it’s own is an excellent solution for meeting modern energy codes that will marginally raise requirements in the near future. An assembly with 2×6 Studulate & R-21 Batt insulation is projected to have an R-Value of R-24.50.

Does Studulate Completely Eliminate Thermal Bridging?

Based on current information, Studulate does completely eliminate thermal bridging. We are working in partnership with energy advisors to answer this question in more detail.

What Materials Can Used In Studulate?

Studulate is built with #2 SPF (or better) dimensional lumber laminated to 2″ rigid insulation. We currently offer EPS, GPS, Polyiso, and Phenolic insulation to better meet a variety of R-Values. 

We are still evaulating different materials options. If you are interested in custom materials, please contact us. 

Is Studulate Fragile?

Framers will need to take more care when handling Studulate products compared to traditional dimensional lumber. If Studute products are thrown around, there is a chance the insulation could be damaged. 

Studulate products are ideal for shop enviroments and for use in prefab and SIPs. 

Where Can I Purchase Studulate?

Studulate is only available from select prefab shops and lumber yards, we do not sell Studulate directly to customers.

Studulate is available at the following locations:

Files & Resources

For more information on Studulate products, please click the links below to access our downloadable files. Studulate is a new product so check back regularly for our installation guide, reports done in partnership with energy advisors that detail the energy performance of Studulate, featured client projects that used Studulate, and other resources.

Studulate FAQ

Studulate Fact Sheet

SIS Panels Overview Brochure

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