• Project Type: Residential
  • Location: Calgary, Alberta
  • SIS Panel: One-Sided OSB SIS Panel – Product Code SH2

About this Project

As building codes evolve and homeowners prioritize energy efficiency, builders find themselves at a crossroads. They must seek the most efficient and cost-effective methods to meet these higher standards and are left with two routes: build better now or be compelled to do so later by the upcoming building codes.

In Calgary, one forward-thinking builder decided to take a bold step toward by opting to try our One-Sided OSB SIS Panels with the Fire-Rated version of this SIS Panel on the side walls.

Stanley park house

The end result not only met but surpassed the builder’s expectations, setting a new benchmark for energy efficient construction. It’s time to build better, not just to meet the codes of tomorrow, but to exceed expectations and deliver superior homes for the modern age.

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250007 Mountain View Trail Calgary, Alberta T3Z 3S3

Unit #1, 9800 MacDonald Park Rd Sidney, BC V8L 5V5