Stanley Park Residence

One of the first net-zero homes we supplied panels won awards for it’s energy efficiency 

  • Client: Private
  • Project Type: Residential
  • Location: Calgary, Alberta

About this Project

Recent spikes in utility prices have left some homeowners with bills that are double the cost of previous months.

In 2017, we built an award winning net-zero home in Calgary that gives the homeowner peace of mind knowing their home is immune to such utility bill increases and that they are protected by the cutting edge non-combustible materials in their home. The project requirements included: 

  • R80 Roof
  • R56 Exterior Walls
Stanley park house

We used customized Magnesium Oxide (MgO) SIS Panels and spray foam on 2×6 walls to meet the project requirements. The resulting building envelope has no thermal bridging or excess heat loss and allows the homeowner to greatly reduce their utility bills.

Had we built this home today, the R-Value could have been ~R15 higher in both the roof and exterior walls.

When asked about the energy efficiency of their home, the homeowner said they don’t have a heating bill and that the house can be heated with just light bulbs – if that isn’t net zero then I’m not sure what is.

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250007 Mountain View Trail Calgary, Alberta T3Z 3S3

Unit #1, 9800 MacDonald Park Rd Sidney, BC V8L 5V5