Nexxgen Building Systems Office

One of the first commerical projects that used our MgO SIS Panels was our shop & office location in Springbank

  • Client: Private
  • Project Type: Commercial
  • Location: Calgary, Alberta
  • SIS Panel: MgO SIS Panel – Product Code SH1

About this Project

Located beside the Springbank Airport, the soundproofing properties of our SIS Panels quickly becomes apparent when a helicopter lands at the airport.

“In the year I’ve worked at Nexxgen, I’ve heard sounds from the airport maybe once or twice while inside. During the summer, we have lunch outside and sometimes we can barely hear each other because of all the noise from the airport. My quality of life at work has been greatly improved by the soundproofing properties.
–  Peter Amoroso, Sales & Marketing Manager @ Nexxgen Building Systems

What is Net-Zero?

Net-zero homes produce as much energy as they use. They have three main elements: renewable energy systems, mechanical systems, and the building envelope. For more details, watch this video by the CHMA. 

The building is net-zero – it is powered by renewable energy in the form of geothermal energy and our SIS Panels help ensure the building uses minimal energy.

In the event of a fire, the building is protected by the steel frame and non-combustible MgO SIS Panels.

With impact resistance that allows cladding to be installed directly to the SIS Panel and superior moisture resistance, our MgO SIS Panel futureproofs the building envelope of current and future buildings.

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250007 Mountain View Trail Calgary, Alberta T3Z 3S3

Unit #1, 9800 MacDonald Park Rd Sidney, BC V8L 5V5